The Professionals Membership
with Get Permission Institute
The most experienced learning community for professionals treating pediatric feeding disorder

Add 52 Years of Experience To Your Practice
Our community was founded by Marsha Dunn Klein—whose remarkable career laid the foundations for trust-based, sensitive, and responsive feeding & mealtime peace approaches used by feeding therapists worldwide.
Co-Founders Karen Dilfer & Stephanie Cohen have built on Marsha’s legacy, mentoring younger therapists and leading evidence-based innovation in the SLP and OT communities.
Including our professional community and contributors, we are a ready boost to your career and practice with unparalleled decades of experience.
Find Your Community
Join hundreds of Occupational Therapists (OT), Speech & Language Pathologists (SLP), registered dieticians (RD), early intervention providers and more who know exactly how complicated feeding therapy can be.
"Responsive, Rooted, & Supportive" Isn't Just For Kids
Success isn’t just about professional knowledge—sometimes it’s about compassion and encouragement as we do this challenging work.
Our online community includes channels for both content Q & A and relational connection.

Resources For Both New & Experienced Practitioners
Even therapists with more than 10 years of experience will find the Get Permission community engaging. We keep up with newly emerging research and discuss the implications for treatment.
Many GPI educational experiences may qualify for continuing education opportunities based on the professional standards in your relevant field.

Live Group Mentoring
Join the GPI community for monthly live sessions with GPI senior instructors Marsha Dunn Klein, Stephanie Cohen, and Karen Dilfer.
Sessions can include live Q & A, clinical case studies, GPI community announcements, and updates on recent research we’re tracking.
Can’t make it that month? All sessions are recorded and available for replay for active members.
Customize Your Training Plan
Choose from our 16.5-hour Master Courses or our growing library of focused Concept Courses or Perspectives Courses from contributing guest instructors. Most of our courses are available on-demand, and some offer live or hybrid options.
Choose topics to fit your clients and challenges, and never lose access to lectures and materials, even if you pause your membership.

20% Discount On Every Course In Our Catalog
Members get 20% discount on every training course in our catalog, from 16-hour Master Courses to our entire on-demand library. That’s huge savings!
Plus we love to plan occasional offers exclusively to our membership community.
The Get Permission membership the smart choice to affordably extend your professional skill set.
Special Rates on 1-on-1 Mentorship Session
We all run into cases where we feel stuck! When you’ve tried all you know, but you’re not seeing positive change, we’re here for you.
GPI community members qualify for special rates on 1-on-1 mentorship session with a GPI co-founder.

Tools & Resources Library You Can Use With Clients
Client education is critical to clinical success. Members get access to the Get Permission Approach-approved guides and informational resources we use with our own clients.
Put them to immediate use in your practice, offering confident guidance to worried families.
Mobile App to Connect on the Go
We know what it’s like to see clients on the road. Our included mobile app (powered by Thinkific) connects you to your enrolled courses and the entire Get Permission Community—even if it’s from the front seat of your car.

Join Our Community!
Student Membership
For Therapists in Training
Verified .edu account required
Professionals Membership
For Feeding Professionals
Or 3 months included with any fully On Demand Master Course!
Master Access Membership Bundle
Includes Both Master Courses
1 Year Professional Membership INCLUDED with pre-enrollment in both on-demand Master Courses