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[Podcast] Marsha: “How Pressure Shows up In Feeding Children”—Sunny Side Up Podcast

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I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed by Anna Lutz and Elizabeth Davenport on the Sunny Side Up Nutrition Podcast.

We spoke about a wide ranging number of issues as they pertain to responsive feeding, relationships, connection and the sensations of eating. We provided some practical ideas for parents and professionals. I think you’ll love it!


Nov 20, 2023—Ep. 94: How Pressure Shows Up In Feeding Children with Marsha Dunn Klein


Anna L. and Elizabeth chat with Marsha Dunn Klein, a Pediatric Occupational Therapist and expert in the field of feeding children. They discuss how pressure and other factors such as the sensory aspects of eating affect our children’s relationship and connection to food. They explore strategies parents and caregivers can use to feel supported in their efforts to feed their children, and ways to help children feel safe and regulated at mealtimes.

About The Hosts

Anna Lutz and Elizabeth Davenport are two moms who are also Registered Dietitians and child-feeding experts. They are passionate about keeping diet culture out of parenting and supporting other parents to make food simple and stress-free. They met in graduate school at the University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health in 2000 and have been friends ever since. Elizabeth is a former professional baker who also loves to cook. She writes about cooking and anti-diet parenting. Anna does not love to cook, but she’s passionate about family meals, nutrition, and opting out of the diet and weight loss culture
